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TRACK-STAR WGs and annual Plenary meetings held in December 2021

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

The TRACK-STAR project held its third set of Working Group meetings and annual Plenary meeting during 7-8th December 2021.

On 7th December 2021, the WGs met individually to discuss and prepare their priority topics to be presented during the plenary meeting with Policy makers being held on 8th December 2021.

The plenary meeting was split into three parallel sessions, as follows:

1. ENVIRONMENT: three working groups on energy; climate change; and circular economy.

2. GOVERNANCE: one working group on democracy & transparency.

3. ECONOMY: three working groups on digital economy; regulatory cooperation; trade and investment.

Each of the three plenary meetings was joined by colleagues from the Delegation of the European Union to the United States of America, to hear the priority topics from within each WG and to provide feedback on the topics, and providing updated information about the EU-US Trade and Technology Council (TTC), which met for the first time in Pittsburgh on 29 September 2021, and relevance to the TRACK-STAR Working groups.

The WGs and Plenary meeting were a success and the next set of WG meetings with European Policy Makers will be held in Q1 2022.

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