"Coordinating and charting the landscape and prioritising topics for Transatlantic Civil Society Dialogues"
About Objective 1
Convene a network of key US and European civil society actors from the seven issue policy domains of climate change, particularly the European Green Deal (including 'Farm to Fork' strategy); energy; circular economy and biodiversity; digital economy; trade and investment; democracy and transparency; and regulatory cooperation.
Convene these target groups initially around specific framing questions within the issue policy domains, then survey the network to assess the state-of-affairs regarding issue priorities and transatlantic understanding in order to reinforce existing lines of actions or come up with new lines of actions, where required.
Ensure we have the right number and types of sub-groups within the domains in each area to carry out the work.

The tangible results of this objective include:
There will be surveys of the invited CSOs to gauge their priorities and their transatlantic understanding. Those responses will then inform the finalisation of the guiding questions used to frame these dialogues. They will also provide a pre-test baseline to assess participant learning at the end of the project. They are the identification of the key priority topics within each issue area.
There will be more stakeholder engagement and thus a greater probability of achieving all the other project objectives.